AI™ Redaction
Data Redaction for Courts
Maintain PII, PCI, PHI and Social Services Compliance with Intellidact Redaction!
Intellidact AI™ data redaction software is used to accurately maintain state and federal mandated privacy laws by removing sensitive information from both structured and unstructured data.
Why Use Automated Redaction Within your Office?
Time, money and mandates. Local, state and federal courts are strapped for the first two, and feeling increasing pressure to comply with the latter. How can courts continue to operate in a “do more with less” environment, while meeting increasingly stringent regulations to protect the private data contained within the documents they manage from fraud and identify theft? And how do they balance the fine line between privacy and disclosure?
Automated redaction ensures that each piece of personally identifiable information is removed from every case document, with 100% accuracy, 100% of the time.
Why Intellidact Redaction™?
Intellidact Redaction, America’s gold standard in intelligent data redaction software, consistently returns the highest accuracy rating in the industry with the least amount of manual validation required.
Intellidact Redaction offers unique key features that take the guess work out of privacy protection!
We guarantee 100% privacy. We will not share your information.
Key Features
Future Proofing
Protects against changing privacy requirements while saving time and money with one time document processing.
Paragraph Content Locator
Identifies and redacts state and federally regulated pieces of information embedded in paragraphs on court reports.
Native PDF & PDF/A support
PDF metadata inspection and removal ensures that PII, PHI, and PCI DSS information is protected.
GPU Processing
Processing court case documents just got a whole lot faster! Intellidact Redaction offers GPU processing, allowing you to process thousands of pages per second.
Complete the Data Sheet download form to learn more about our key features and obtain complete Intellidact Redaction information.